Welcome Note From Jennifer

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am in my 4th term as the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (ANC)  for 6B01. I have called Capitol Hill my home since 1999. My husband John and I are parents of twin daughters currently attending a DC Charter School. I am a proud member of the Capitol Hill Community, and it is my honor to serve as an ANC Commissioner.

What is an ANC Commissioner? Washington DC is divided into 40 districts called Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, or ANCs. ANCs are made up of 2-12 commissioners who make decisions about a broad range of issues in the community, such as liquor licenses, parking, planning and zoning recommendations, and sanitation (just to name a few). This is your local form of government, and commissioners are locally elected every two years. While commissioners are elected, this is a volunteer position and commissioners are not paid for their services.

For additional information on ANC 6B, please visit www.anc6b.org